Archive for the ‘Band’ Category

Because of health and legal stuff, I had to disappear for awhile but I’m back. I’m bruised, broken, and well generally feeling like crap. In other words, not much has changed, oh wait, I did have a surgery that will hopefully prevent a low iron problem. Maybe, if I’m lucky, it’s a female thing okay. Let it go.

I was absolutely depressed in the gutter trying to decide what to do next. Literally. I finally decided that maybe I should check my e-mail and social media accounts. Interesting how you can disappear for a few months and this blog and my Twitter account blow up.

I was responding to messages, writing a post for a different blog, and just generally trying to find a reason to care about anything any more. Then, wham! I find this little jewel from Forever Still.

I have no idea who they are honestly, absolutely none. They followed me on Twitter and messaged me back in wow, uuummmmm let me check, December. Ouch that stings a little on my part.  Anyhow, I checked them out on You Tube and this is the most recent video that I could find.

All I can say is wow. Talk about finding the right song to motivate you into finding your voice and standing on your own two feet. Thanks Forever Still, this was the perfect song to help me get out of my pity party.


Driver by Scour

Posted: December 7, 2015 in Band, Melinda Anderson, Music, Music Video, Rock, Videos
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Okay, so I made a list of the bands or artists on Twitter that follow me. I had a few more than I thought so I must be doing something right.

Also, I have a few bands and artists that have been with me since my very first tweet was posted in 2010.

Scour from Hollywood, California was one of the first bands to jump on my crazy ass bandwagon. I think they have been threw some line up changes while I wasn’t paying any attention.

Thanks for the follow and I hope you continue to rock on.

This song was released in 1989 by Chris Isaak and I hated every single fucking second of it. Why? Because it was played by everybody everywhere. It was one of those stupid songs that you couldn’t escape.

I personally don’t care for Chris Isaak’s voice, to me, it sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard but that’s me. They are several artists whose voices have this effect on me.

In fact, I quit telling people that I hated this song in the 80’s. Apparently, my opinion was not a personal opinion and I just didn’t know good music. Still trying to figure out how that works since it is MY opinion.

Anyway, I wanted to share a HIM video and came across this gem. I kinda recognized the melody and the lyrics but couldn’t place it. I was bobbing my head along and trying to sing with my scratchy throat when the chorus started. Let’s just say the lightbulb was turned on.

Needless to say, I love this version of ‘Wicked Game.’

Okay, I tried to go back to sleep so I could kick this cold out of my body. The thing is my body and my head have decided to force insomnia on me. So I guess you are just going to have to live with me posting some more music from some of my new favorite artists.

Maybe, I’ll take some time to check out my Twitter followers that happen to be bands as well. I don’t know, I’ll see how I’m feeling for the next little bit.

Anyhow, back to Finland with Ville Valo singing Summer Wine with Natalia Avelon.


I have been real sick lately. I guess that’s what happens during Winter when your thyroid isn’t working. The season turns into one giant ball of coughing, sneezing, hacking, and gagging.  However, this means I also get to catch up on my music explorations.

I was checking out some older videos of Apocalyptica when I found their song Bittersweet featuring Ville Valeo and Lauri Ylonen. Talk about mind blown away with two amazing voices, I’ll share this video later.

In fact, I was so impressed with both male vocalists that I started doing some research. Mainly, who the hell are these guys and why the hell haven’t I heard of them.

Turns out Ville Valeo is the lead singer for HIM, a band I am somewhat familiar with because of one of my sons. Lauri Ylonen is a different matter. He is the frontman for The Rasmus who I have never ever heard of.

Both bands are from Finland, go figure. Now, I realize that I live in a small town that only has one local radio station. There are other radio stations from other towns but I can only get them in my car. My car has Sirius and I have specific channels that I listen too. I have no idea what channel The Rasmus would get played on.  And, don’t even get me started on the video stations like MTV.

I guess I’m a little disappointed in a music industry that would rather shove Miley Cyrus down my throat then play some music with heart.

I guess what I’m saying is I want a music revolution. One that includes a TV station or radio station that plays music from around the world with no specific labels or classifications. Hell why not let the Video Jockeys, VJ’s, and Disc Jockey’s, DJ’s, actually pick the music instead of the station only playing what sells.




This is how I feel about Black Friday.

I know, I know, this is a song about cheating in relationships.  However, today I was goofing off on Facebook when I received a friend request. I accept any and all requests because I’m just that type of person.  Sometimes, little warning bells go off and I check the person’s profile.

This person that added me had some major warning bells. I checked out her profile and sure enough the bells were right. First, the profile was new like it had nothing but some info and a picture. Second, the profile said she worked at Facebook HQ. I started laughing.

I waited about a minute or two and sure enough she sent me a private message that went something like this: Hello Melinda Anderson. My response, Hi. How are you and your family doing? My response, Good, how are you? ALSO Good. I’m Charlson Sherry Ann, form United States of America ,I work for Facebook social Network Inc..and you? My response, I’m from the US. I have my own business that makes no money. I was authorized to contact you by the Facebook Organization and to pass some vital information that can change your life for good which is the reason why i added you. My response, Okay, what’s the info? Before i proceed with the message i will like to know if you have heard about the Facebook online lottery. This is where I started laughing and went off.

This is the second time this year some one has tried to pull this scam on me. It took me like 20 minutes to do some research the first time to learn two things. First, the Facebook lottery is a scam. Second, Facebook employees are not allowed to contact users via private messaging on Facebook. I shared this information via Facebook the first time and this time I shared it on Facebook and my different blogs. Both times, I also shared the so called ‘profile’ of the people involved.

I understand that life out in the wide world is hard and people are trying to find anyway to make some money to survive. However, ripping off other people who work hard for what they have is not the right way to go about it. Especially, since there are people like me who will do the research, report the problem to the authorities, then warn everyone they know via social media. I may not be able to protect everyone but I can protect my small corner of the world.

Let’s start out today with something a little new. Okay, I don’t know how new they are to the world but they are new to me. By the way, excuse the recording, it kinda sounds like a record.

Oh Geez, a record is like a big CD except they were generally black. The color not the ethnicity, just thought I’ clarify that. They were played on a record player with a needle transmitting the sound. If you want more info, look it up on whatever browser you choose to use.

Again, this group, Flops Ego, followed me on Twitter and we gave each other mutual stalking permission. In fact one of the members in the band, found me on Facebook all by himself. So quite literally there is a mutual stalking thing going on.  It is quite entertaining.

Anyway, on to the breakdown.  The drums pound, the guitar screams, the bass grooves, and the voice soars which adds up to be an awesome mix. The lyrics aren’t bad either. All in all, what we have here is the start of something killer.


I guess I should actually review some music instead of just TV shows about musicians. Just let me see what is on my to do list. Quit laughing, I didn’t drink last night, and I am actually on time to work. Okay, I lied I had two small Coronas but I am here.

Now normally, I am not a scream fan. Personally, I like to know what someone is shouting, I mean singing. With that being said, let’s put aside reality and dive into Illusions by Tempting Fate. Yes, I know it was released in 2014, we are a little behind the times in Idaho okay.

First and foremost, I can actually understand the lyrics and the voice actually matches the music. The rest is a blend of ingredients that simmers into a killer raw alcohol fueled ear candy. The drums are kicking. The bass is heavy and punches while the guitar screams.

My favorite track is Filthy because of the voice track at the beginning and I quote, “You know what they say right, if you love something set it free or you can cripple it so it doesn’t get away.”

What can I say it made me laugh and my co-workers chuckled.

Mick Mars – Living With Ankylosing Spondylitis

What is your favorite Motley Crue Concert? What do love about their music? What are you going to miss the most when it’s all over?